--------------------------------- README ---------------------------------------- Summary of FEM simulations of wave propagation flux deviations in unidirectional Graphite/Epoxy at various fiber orientations from 0 to 90 degrees (0-90) from the vertical axis (red line). Results summarized in composite images (*.jpg) and also animations (*.mov). These simulations can be reproduced by students in ESM5344 by selecting the web link "Small FEM mesh (30x60): Access Simulation" web page URL: http://www.sv.vt.edu/classes/ESM5344/ESM5344_kriz_NoteBook/ESM5344_kriz.html . Individual animations archived as animated-gifs and quick-time format in directories: Directory name description wave2d30x60_0-90_QL+XX transmitter generates only QT waves wave2d30x60_0-90_QT-XX transmitter generates only QL waves wave2d30x60_0-90__L transmitter vibrates pure longitudinal wave2d30x60_0-90__T transmitter vibrates pure transverse The objective of these simulations is to demonstrate how anisotropy (fiber orientation) influences wave type (L,T,QL,QT) and energy flux deviation. Wave type can also be controlled by transmission of energy at the simulated transducer (transmitter) boundary. Results are summarized in *.jpg images. Labels L,T,QL,and QT indicate transducer boundary vibration directions: L indicates longitudinal vibration parallel to the vertical axis (red line), T indicates transverse vibration perpendicular to the vertical axis, QL and QT indicates vibration directions predicted as eigenvector solutions to Christofell's equation. For a prescribed direction to the plane wave shown as the vertical red line, both eigenvalues (wave speeds) and eigenvectors (wave vibration directions) are functions ONLY of the fourth order stiffness tensor, Cijkl. Directories labeled QT AND QL archive simulations that preferentially launch QT and QL waves with simulated transducers. Listed below are vibration displacement vibration orientations (angles, degrees) of QL and QT waves propagating through unidirectional Graphite/Epoxy at fiber orientations between 0 and 90 degrees. Fiber Orientation, (-) QL eigenvector angle QT eigenvector angle clockwise from the (+) counterclockwise from (-) clockwise from the vertical (red) axis, the horizontal (green) axes, horizontal (green) axes, (degrees) (degrees) (degrees) -12 +79.0 -11.0 -21 +70.8 -19.2 -30 +62.8 -27.2 -39 +54.9 -35.1 -51 +45.2 -44.8 -60 +39.2 -50.8 -69 +37.3 -52.7 -81 +75.0 -15.0 Angles calculated as eigenvector solutions to Christoffel's equation given the Graphite/Epoxy fourth order stiffness tensor, Cijkl, and density. Calculation results between 0 and 90 degrees summarized in QT-QL_EigenVectors.txt